Only the Skilled Players Do Card Counting

High valued card are always beneficial for the players and on the other hand low valued cards are not beneficial for the players. By maintaining a ratio of High valued cards and low valued cards a player can make the decision whether he should play those cards. Sharp memory or intellectuality required for card counting is grasping by lots of people but it's not true at all.

I'm going to state the Hi/Lo counting system in this articles. If anyone wants to learn cards counting then he has to research a lot and Pay a deep attention on it. There are a few lawful blackjack counting system is available today. Hi/lo count is the most powerful and simple counting between all counting system because of its strength and effective strategies

House Advantage

Casinos earn money at first because most players always start at a disadvantage. But how the players can overcome this first house advantage? In order to know answer of this question we need to examine the rules of different blackjack that we want to play. The number of deck of card that is used is also to be considered. I am referring a website for calculating house edge. This is actually a fantastic website where you will get huge amount of information about any kind of casino game.

You can use house advantage calculator for calculating house advantage of a particular game you intended to play. Before calculation bet you have to subtract one from the TC if you see the drawback is 0.5% or lower. When drawback is 0.75%, subtract 1.5 instead of 1 from the TC. You should refuse to play the game if you see that initial advantage is higher than 0.75%. By amending the TC to take into concern the original house benefit the TC becomes an exact assessment of the benefit a player has at any given point in a specific game of Blackjack.

Running count:

The HI/LO blackjack counting assigns card values are given bellow -

2-6 low cards +1, 7-9, 0, 10, J, K and A (high cards). Now you have to start counting after shuffle at 0. When you will see cards with a face value (2-6) then add one with your count. You don't have to do nothing when you will see cards with (7-9) face value. But when you see A or 10 add subtract one from count. The result you will get is RC (running count). Running count indicates the number of extra low or high cards already dealt. When this count is bigger than zero then there are some high cards still to appear. That means the deck is more positive for the player.

For instance, if the subsequent grouping of cards was dealt throughout the 1st round of play:

  • PLAYER ONE: A,10
  • PLAYER TWO 2: 3, 7
  • PLAYER THREE: 8, 9
  • PLAYER FOUR: 5,9
  • PLAYER FIVE: 4,6
  • DEALER: 10

The counting will be like this- the RC begins at 0, PLAYER ONE has two high cards thus RC is now-2; PLAYER TWO has one natural card and one low card , so RC is now -1; PLAYER THREE has two natural cards thus the count doesn't change; RC is increased by 1 to 0 because PLAYER FOUR has one low card; one the other hand PLAYER FIVE has two low cards and for this reason RC is increased to 2; DEALER shows a high cards as a result RC drops to 1; the final result of RC is 1.

True Count

True counting is the counting process of remaining cards on the deck for the players. Every card on the deck adds 0.5% advantage for the players. So the players have to calculate the total advantage of the remaining cards on the deck. For this process the remaining high cards can be calculated divides the RC by the number of the remains deck for playing. By calculating the players can get the number which is called true count (TC) and the process gives the player an assessment of remaining cards. So if the RC is 15 and 5 decks have to play then simple we get TC of 3.

  • Know you limits!
  • Be confident!
  • Believe in luck!
  • Be fortune's pet!

Take a Look

Some Tips

  • Blackjack is not a game of luck
  • Set up your bankroll and don't exceed it
  • Pick your favorite strategy to follow
  • Become a profound winner!